By Continuing you are agreeing to the following:
- I understand that TCC officially communicates with students through their student email account.
- I consent to do business electronically with TCC for course registration, billings (eBill), and student email along with all other institutional student business.
- I accept responsibility for ensuring that I have met all pre-requisites in all courses for which I register and that the courses are appropriate to my degree program. (Please see and academic advisor if you have any questions.)
- I understand if I decide not to participate in a class in which I have registered, that I must drop or withdraw from the class as per TCC's drop/withdrawal policies.
- I understand I am responsible for all changes incurred on my student account and failure to make satisfactory payment arrangements could result in my account being sent to a collection agency, which is subject to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. I agree to pay all collection costs and attorney fees. I further understand my failure to pay may result in my Oklahoma Tax refunds being intercepted.
- I understand that if I receive Federal Financial Aid and do not meet the minimum federal requirements for such aid I will be responsible for any unpaid balance on my account.
- I understand that any unpaid balance on my account could result in enrollment holds being placed on my account.